Oil Painting Class (Weekly)

Oil Painting Class with Rich Brimer
In Springfield, KY

Tuesday mornings 10am to 1pm 
$60/ class or $200 for 4 classes.

Discover the joy of oil painting with Rich Brimer in his weekly studio oil painting class on Tuesdays. In these sessions, students will have the opportunity to work on a variety of still-life and studio projects, including paintings based on photos and reproductions of classic masterpieces. Participants will have the chance to work on single-class setups while they are also encouraged to bring their personal projects to the class. Through this hands-on learning experience, students will develop their composition, contrast, and color skills, ultimately becoming more discerning artists. Let’s grow and learn together as we explore the world of oil painting.

Rich Brimer is the Director of The Art Distillery in Springfield, KY, and Carmel Visual Arts in Carmel, CA. He has been teaching painting and drawing classes for over 25 years. Working side-by-side with world-class art instructors instructing over a thousand students, he has coordinated over 150 three to four-day art workshops. He is best known for his insight and patience with new students, as well as seasoned artists that want to be challenged. Contact Rich at 859.481.4576

The Art Distillery