
Calvin Liang Materials List

Here is the Materials List for the Calvin Liang Workshop. Don’t forget your portable easel or pochade box.

  • Canvas panels or boards (Bring a variety of sizes)
    • 6×8”, 8×10”, 9×12”, 12×16” — 2 for each day.
  • Brushes
    • Brights: #6, #10, #12
    • Filberts: #6
    • Flats: #2, #6
    • Artisan round: #1, #2, #4
  • Palette knife
  • Oil colors
    • Titanium white
    • Burnt Sienna
    • Burnt Umber
    • Alizarin Crimson
    • Cadmium Red Light or Cadmium Red Hue
    • Orange
    • Cadmium Yellow Light or Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
    • Yellow Ochre
    • Sap Green or Olive Green
    • Cerulean Blue or Cerulean Blue Hue
    • French Ultramarine
    • Purple
    • Ivory Black
  • Neo Megilp or Galkyd Gel
  • Turpenoid or Gamsol (Odorless Mineral Spirits)
  • Linseed Oil
  • Charcoal
  • Paper Towels


The Art Distillery